Whether it’s in your personal life or your business I think this is another time for new beginnings.
This is the time of year when I look back to see how I’ve been doing with goals and intentions I set for this year. I look to see if I’m attracting what I want and if I’m on track to achieve my goals for December.
A few of the things that I planned for this year are in the works. My book, “The Astonishing Power of You,” which will be almost like an owners manual for your mind, will be finished and due for release in October. At the beginning of May, I released my fantastic new program, Six Simple Steps to Generate a Six Figure Income in 2 years (or less). Don’t let the title fool you, It’s about the law of attraction and can really be used for all areas of life. I’m in the midst of recording amazing visualizations that will accelerate your future growth, plus in September I will be starting an ‘accelerating your empowerment’ circle for women, online.
What have you been attracting during the past six months? Have you been changing your thinking, letting go of negatives, what if’s and other things you may have been tolerating? Are you attracting positive things into your business and your life?
If not, I encourage you to look at why not! As I already said, it’s a time for new beginnings, it’s never too late to start, or to get re-focused and back on track.
Remember, according to the law of attraction, everything is created from the inside, you live your life exactly how YOU create it.
Have a wonderful Memorial day weekend.
‘Til next time
To your Success and Brilliance

PS. If you’re interested in being one of the first to hear about the fantastic new programs sign up for our free six week e-course and newsletter www.theastonishingpowerofyou.com. My newsletter database will hear about all these things first, so don’t lose this opportunity to be at the top of the list.
PPS. Check out the new law of attraction CD program at www.theastonishingpowerofyou.com/moremoney.html