Wednesday, October 31, 2007

FR^E Bonus Gifts for all. Happy Halloween.

I’m very excited to tell you that my new book The Astonishing Power of You, Simple Steps to Creating an Extra-ordinary Life, is being released tomorrow, Thursday November 1st, 2007.

It’s been a very interesting year. I never cease to be amazed by the fact that however much we’ve already learned there is always something even newer to learn. What we focus on really does expand and the dreams and goals I put on my wonderful vision board at the beginning of the year are starting to come to fruition.

We always need to remember that not only is there a Law of Attraction, there is also a Law of Gestation. For our dreams to materialize we need to have the vision, put plans into action and then have patience. The timing isn’t always exactly when we want it, however, if we persevere what we want can happen. My new vision board for 2008 is ready, is yours? If not, start planning it now so your subconscious starts to recognize your dreams for next year.

I have a direct and very simple outlook on how to create positives in life which is why I decided to write this book as if I was having a conversation with you, rather than a long involved process. I also decided that if people were going to buy the book, I would like them to receive additional gifts for no cost.

In order to do that, I joined with over 25 authors and best selling experts who are supporting the launch of The Astonishing Power of You by contributing thousands of dollars in FRE^ Bonus Gifts especially for You.

If you buy just one copy of the book between 12.15a.m. – 11.55p.m. Eastern time tomorrow Thursday November 1st, you will receive thousands of dollars in FR^E Bonus Gifts from these best selling experts and authors. You can click on this link to get all the details about this very special offer. Remember, you need to wait until 12.15a.m. Eastern time November 1st.

If you really want to experience a new perspective on success and be free to go after anything you dream about in life, then click on this link on November 1st.

To Your Success and Brilliance

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Sometimes like the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child,” it does take a village to get where we want to go, whether it’s in a relationship, with a friend, family or professionally. It’s important to have people who can support you in any area of life when you need it.

In your personal life it’s great to have at least one person, a friend, family member or whomever, someone you know and trust that will let you lean on them if necessary. Some one who can lend an ear and encourage you when you’re down.

The same applies to your business. Doesn’t be a lone wolf; create a team. Use whatever support you can afford that will sustain your business needs and free you up to do what you do best. If you can’t afford to hire people, look at hiring an intern. If you need a website, go to a local college and ask a student. If you look you will find what you need and having help will allow you to focus on what you do best.

Following on with that, it would be remiss of me not to mention the horrendous fires we are having here in Southern California. The worst in California’s history. Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated, homes have been lost and places have been declared a state of emergency. Although I don’t live in a fire area the winds are spreading the smoke everywhere and I feel like I’ve been breathing it in all day. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must feel like where the fires are situated.

Any kind of tragedy often gives me pause for thought. We really need people when something negative happens in life. Family, friends, colleagues and it’s probably going to take a village for many of these displaced people to re-build. If you look at situations that have happened in the past, it’s always taken groups of people to help build things back up.

For those of us that practice the principles of The Law of Attraction, it does not mean that people have attracted these fires. Nature is nature and sometimes things are beyond our control. In any given situation the most important thing to remember is that everything is our responsibility and nothing is our fault.

Wherever you live right now, I would encourage you to take a look at your life and remember that in every challenge there is a gift of discovery. When you have any kind of challenge in your life, ask yourself what you can learn about yourself or the world around you from the situation. My line for many years, based on my own experiences, has been, “from something bad, can come something good,” and even in the worst of times, I’ve learned something huge from the situation.

My heart & prayers go out to all the people who are in fire areas.
‘Til Next Time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. If you haven’t signed up for my FR^E Six Lesson ECourse go to

PSS. Watch for details about the release of my new book, The Astonishing Power of You, Simple Steps to Creating an Extra-ordinary Life, due for release November 1st. (To read a FRE^ excerpt go to

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Attitude is definitely a state of being! It’s a choice you make. I’ve heard every excuse over the years, both as a therapist and a coach about why someone didn’t reach a goal, have time, follow through, leave an unrewarding job or relationship, keep commitments or just have fun, enjoy life and be happy.

I also in years past, made the same excuses, had the same negative attitude and learned how to make the changes so that today, I live the life that I want. I’ve been there, done that and it doesn’t work. My dream vision is to see everyone having a wonderful attitude about themselves, their lives, their professions and living the life they dream about. It does take some work to get there and it can happen.

I’ve heard the words, “I don’t know” “I don’t have the money,” more times than I care to think about and my answer has always been the same. “Yes, you do, but first you have to open your heart and be truthful with yourself.”

Every time you say “I don’t know,” or “I don’t have the money,” that’s what you are creating.

If the attitude you have is that you can’t take a vacation because there isn’t enough money, that’s the way it will stay. Money is the biggest nemesis for most people. If your attitude is that there’s no great relationship out there for you, there won’t be, or that you can’t be successful in business and you are in fear, anxiety and doubt about yourself, you don’t leave yourself open to attracting what you want.

When you start asking yourself “how can I create enough money to take some time off,” the universe will start working for you. Start doing things for and with yourself without worrying about a relationship and you will open yourself up to attracting what you want. Think positively about your business and you will draw business to you.

Changing attitudes has to happen on all levels, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You have to be willing to walk the talk! You can read every book and take every workshop but if you keep justifying without facing your own truth, it’s almost impossible to move forward successfully!

Whether its fear, anxiety, overwhelm or stress, all these feelings are created by the way you think and the attitude you have.

Apart from the fact that I learned this for myself, one of the most important things I discovered is that it doesn’t have to be a long or difficult process. Getting caught up in the rhetoric is often what holds people back. There are many simple and direct tools to use that can help you move forward. One of the most important tools is; that you make a decision to have a positive attitude each day and that you intend to create the life that you want.

‘Til next time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. Check out all the FREE resources that can be of help to you at

PPS. If you haven’t done so yet sign up for the Six lesson FREE ecourse at Plus you will also receive the Monday Motivator 50 second quote and tip to help you kickstart your week.