About six months ago I decided to start observing the patterns and behavior of people in business to see what it is that the most successful and wealthy of them do that makes the difference between making it and struggling. I also had some very interesting conversations.
One of the most obvious things I've discovered, apart from the fact that they set specific goals, (usually written) make commitments and then take the necessary action is that they mix with successful people. This brought me back to something I heard many years ago from some hugely successful entrepreneurs. If you want to be successful make sure the people around you are successful. If you want to make money, mix with people who have money, if you want to be infused with positive energy have positive people around you, if you want to be happy mix with happy people, spiritual people and so forth.
So, my friends take a deep breathe. Close your eyes for a moment and go inside, reach deep into your own power and intuition. Just breathe and relax.
Attracting what you want in life is about energy, yours and the people around you.
Take a look around you and notice the people in your life. Do they think and talk positively? Are they living in the now? Are they truly committed to taking action to move forward? . If you're not working with clients/customers who you're truly happy to be working with, don't. If you're in a job you don't love, find one that you do or start thinking about becoming your own boss. It’s not nearly as challenging as people think.
I know that if I someone's home, car or office are a mess there's a lot more chaos going on in their head than they are willing to admit. Don't let this be you. Get real; get honest with yourself about yourself and what you are doing and tolerating in life. Allow the energy within and around you to be flowing easily so that you can attract the abundance and success you want in life in all ways.
Breathe and Relax. How are you going to live your life? Who are you going to surround yourself with?
Life is too short not to live it the way you want, remember it's about "Saying Yes to YOU."
'Til Next Time
Have a fantastic week
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. If you haven't registered yet and really want to make changes I'm facilitating a FREE Teleconference on Thursday September 11th at 3p.m. EASTERN, Three Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs PLUS a very special time sensitive invitation. It's being recorded so if you can’t be on the live call register anyway and you will be sent the recording link. You won't want to miss this call. www.sayyestoyoucoaching.com/class.html
PPS. If you would like to receive my FREE 6 Lesson E-Course plus the powerful Monday Motivator sign up at www.theastonishingpowerofyou.com