Monday, June 9, 2008

Make yourself number one.

Having spent 4 days exhibiting my best selling book at Book Expo. America it’s been a very interesting, energizing yet exhausting couple of weeks which is also the reason there was no copy for the blog last week.

The one thing that came across very clearly from talking to the dozens of people who stopped at the booth, is that women are still not totally OK with making themselves number One.

Sometimes when I first start working with clients, they find it very strange to think about putting themselves and their needs at the top of the list. Make yourself number one. Obviously not to the detriment of some one-else. However, you will be more effective, energized and productive if you take care of yourself first.

Whether you’re a working professional, a stay at home mother, work and manage a family or you are a working single mother, I highly encourage you to “Say Yes to YOU” first. Your business won’t fall apart, your family won’t go without, your house won’t collapse if it’s not perfect.

Take small steps to start. Five minutes a day to just sit quietly, light a candle, read a book, meditate or whatever it is you truly want to do with the time. After a week expand to ten minutes and so on until you are actually taking at least 30 minutes every day to just be with you.

If I had known that it was OK for me to take time for me when I had a family at home I would have saved myself many stressful days. Now, no matter what, I take at least 30 minutes a day that is set aside without any interruptions, just for me. Give it a try. You deserve it.

“til next time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. For those people who live in or near Los Angeles, on June 25th, I will be facilitating a 2 hour workshop ”Say Yes To You” Stop Living on the Sidelines” at the Bodhi Tree on Melrose Avenue. Space is limited. Advance reservations $20. If you are interested in attending please email and you will be at the top of the list.

PPS. Sign up for my free six week e-course at and you will also receive the powerful internationally read Monday Motivator.

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