I spent a lot of time this weekend around young children and animals and it gave me pause for thought! Young kids have lots of fun, they are not yet immersed in fear. Dogs have fun, they sleep a lot and they are usually at peace. (I don’t have dogs so I share my daughter’s. The photo is one of my grand-dogs Oreo taking a break from running around with the kids.)
I watched my 5 year old grandson receive a trophy from his little league team in baseball, they weren’t fearful as they ran up and down the court with their little faces focused on getting a ball in the net, they were having fun and learning a little about the art of competition.
I was watching a roomful of children at my son’s twins 4th birthday party, (I have 2 sets of twin grandchildren), climbing up what they call bouncy’s. These contraptions were at least 7 times as high as each child. There they were climbing up and over and happily sliding down. They had no fear, they were having fun and once at the bottom, they couldn’t wait to climb back up to slide down again from this huge height.
We as adults have all the ingrained messages that have been recorded in our minds over the years, consequently, most people are not at peace, often don’t sleep well, get mired in fear and doubt and don’t have nearly enough fun.
You can change that if you choose to! We are at choice to live our lives however we want. What choice have you made recently?
Do you have any fear and doubt that you allow to hold you back in any way in life?
Are you living the life that you have designed or just getting through the days however they happen!
One of my greatest joys in my coaching business is when I see people start to break up the limiting conversations they are having with themselves. The mind chatter that goes on, the talk that brings up the fear and doubt.
If there was absolutely nothing standing in your way, no financial challenges, no doubt, fear or anything else, how would you design your life? What would it look like? We are half way through the year, this is a good time to take stock of where you are and if you are not living the life you want, whether it’s professionally or personally, it’s time to do something about it!
I’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments. Especially, if something has made you stop and think and you are making changes in your life.
Have a great week.
‘Til next time

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