If this is how you feel and think, you’re making a choice to allow yourself to be this way. I probably wouldn’t be too far off if I said that about 80% of people in most countries think this way a lot of the time. Especially, with things the way they are in the world today.
I truly understand. I used to worry about everything, catastrophize most situations and walked around so stressed I had headaches every day. I didn’t change these patterns until I was in my 40’s. However, when I did, my life didn’t just change, it transformed my life and my thinking. Change is inevitable daily, transformation is a choice. Choice = power.
One of my clients, Ann, on her coaching calls, would continually complain. She didn’t have time to get assignments finished because……… It was Jim’s fault she was always late for appointments, etc. etc. I don’t have time, I’m always so busy. Why is it so difficult, so and so doesn’t have these problems etc. etc.
Being busy does not necessarily mean she was being productive, which is what sent her to me in the first place.
Because she was living her days this way, she was continually anxious, always worried and lived with constant stress.
I help people to change the way they think about all areas of their lives. She hired me to help her to earn more money, have more productive days and be more balanced in her life. I love my clients and I’m patient, I also want them to succeed.
I don’t want clients to waste money if they’re not committed to taking action.
First, she had to get honest and tap into the part of her that she was hiding. What was the payoff to not achieving what she said she wanted? What was she afraid of? How honest was she being with herself? What kind of negative messages did she have recorded in her mind?
Like me, most people get there messages from childhood. You can’t blame your childhood forever. As adults you have to take responsibility. This is part of
The Law of Cause and Effect.
Every cause has an effect; every effect has a cause. Thank God as human beings we have choice.
If you choose to live at the effect of life, you will always make excuses and find reasons why things don’t work out, why you don’t have enough money. You will always justify and blame others for lack in any area. This was initially how Ann was living.
Depending on the childhood messages we receive, many of us have gone through this phase at one time or another. The challenge is what happens when we stay in this mindset as adults.
Living on this side of the equation usually creates feelings of low self worth and feelings of powerlessness. Often feeling sorry for yourself and perhaps comparing what you don’t have to what others do have. Being part of the “ain’t it awful” crowd without even realizing it.
Having real power means that you are willing to live on the cause side of the equation, you are willing to take charge of your life and take responsibility for creating your life the way you really want it, based on your own actions. When you live life this way, it empowers you and you open yourself to the universe so that it works with you in attracting what you want in life.
Change doesn’t happen overnight, so patience is very important when going through this process. Like Ann, you have to be willing to look at the part you play in attracting the things that are and have happened in your life. It’s necessary to say if I wasn’t hiding, if I got really honest with myself, what action would I take?
Today, six months later, Ann is well on her way to financial freedom and great success and she thinks very differently. That doesn’t mean she’s perfect, or that she doesn’t slip, like all of us, she slips back into the thinking from time to time, however, it’s not about never slipping, it’s about how long you stay there. She learned how she could zap negative thinking in seconds. You can do this too.
Live your life to the fullest and live it the way you dream about.
(Real client, different name for confidentiality).
‘Til next time
To Your Brilliance and Success

PS. New FR*E teleclass on Tuesday July 31st, 6.00p.m. EASTERN – 75 minutes.
Zap Negativity – Turn Yesterday’s Doubt into Tomorrow’s Success. It’s filling fast, sign up NOW. www.theastonishingpowerofyou.com/zap_negativity.html
PPS. Watch for details of the brand new Empowerment for Success Circle starting in September. If you would like to be on the list for early notification send an e.mail to info@mindmasterycoaching.com.