This is one of the times when imagination plays a great part. If you were told that stepping outside of the box, guaranteed that you could create a different kind of future, would you take action?
After you have read this, close your eyes, imagine yourself living exactly the kind of life that you want. Imagine you can feel the breath of a breeze on your face, the warmth of the sun, the smell of newly mowed grass, the sound of laughter, feelings of excitement and pleasure and sit with this for a few minutes. Put everything in the picture that you would really like and really feel the feelings of having this. Take a deep breathe and open your eyes. How did it feel? Did it feel powerful, pleasurable, joyful, frightening, adventurous or whatever feelings you may have had.
You can have everything you want in life because you already have all you need to create it right there in your mind. There really is an unlimited supply, you can have it if you can conceive, understand and believe it.
Step outside of the box, it’s OK to feel a little fear and it’s OK to get off course. Life is not about being perfect, it’s just about being. Air planes are continually off course, however because a plane is programmed to know exactly where it’s going, it usually arrives at its destination. You can do the same. Decide what you want, step outside of the box and create the life of your dreams, you deserve it.
‘Til next time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. If you haven’t done so already, I invite you to sign up for my FR*E teleseminar on Tuesday July 31st 2007 at 6p.m. Eastern. – ZAP NEGATIVITY – TURN THE DOUBTS OF YESTERDAY INTO TOMORROW’S SUCCESS. Sign up NOW, this class is filling fast.
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