Although it may seem not at times, we really do have things great here in the US. As with everything else it’s about perception. Yes, gas has gone up, however in Europe they are paying the equivalent of $8 a gallon and food is twice as expensive as it is here. How about we all look again at what we do have, not at what we don’t have.
I’m off to exhibit this week at Book Expo. America which is in Los Angeles and will be there from Thursday 29th – June 1st. It should be fun, exciting and exhausting and I’m really looking forward to it. Thank god they don’t allow smoking in any of the public places in LA any more so at least the air won’t be clouded with smoke.
I have a couple of really great new hypnosis CD’s if anybody is interested in increasing their wealth, zapping negative thinking or if you do happen to smoke and would really like to stop there’s a great stop smoking CD too. Check them out at and you will find information at the bottom of the page.
Have a great week.
‘Til Next Time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. If you haven’t already signed up for my Free Six Lesson ECourse go to and sign up now. You will also receive the Monday Motivator quote which gives your week a good kickstart.
PPS. New Hypnosis CD’s at