This was not something I myself could resolve. Even my fabulous VA Mandi couldn’t resolve this one. I sat on the phone with the hosting company for what seemed like hours both Wednesday and Thursday. I was on hold at times, for as long as 15 minutes.
20 years ago, I didn’t have the patience I have today. I would not have been able to let go. I would have driven myself insane trying to make it work, got more and more irritated and stressed and then would still have to call someone to fix things.
These days, nothing is so important that I have to allow it to cause me stress or impatience. Instead I made a conscious decision that my business wouldn’t fall apart if I didn’t have email for a while, I could use the time to work on other things. It actually was a plus. I got a lot more achieved with this mindset, didn’t have to bother with email and never had a moment of stress.
I have a framed copy of the serenity prayer on the bookshelf in my office. I often use this to remind me about patience and control. Like the majority of people I’ve worked with over the past 25 years, I too come from a place where being in control and being perfect was almost part of my DNA. I’ve proven that this kind of thinking can be changed. For those of you who might not know the serenity prayer:
“God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change, the Courage to Change the Things I Can And the Wisdom to Know the Difference.”
Whether in your personal or professional life, remember that learning to be patient and letting go of control will help you to create a life that is more grounded and peaceful.
‘Til next time
Success and Brilliance

PS. Watch for details of my new Discovery Circle starting very soon. A place to learn, grow, discover and connect with others. There are lots of goodies in store for you.
PPS. If you haven’t yet signed up for my six lesson FR*E ecourse go to We now also have a new weekly motivator that goes directly into your email box each Monday to kick start your week.
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