I had the pleasure of listening to many wonderful speakers. However, what spoke most highly to me, was not just that they were successful or great speakers, they were great people. One in particular left a very vivid image on my mind.
I had the honor of being at a round table session with Robert Danzig, the head of the Hearst Corporation, Dean of Hearst Management Institute. I’m sure you know the company I mean. The most incredible quality about this man was his humility and authenticity. His story of success is quite remarkable. I can’t share it all here, however, I’d like to share with you something he spoke about. If you would like to know more about him, his books and work go to www.bobdanzig.com
This man was raised in the foster care system, no family, no comforts, no money, no nothing. When he was 11 yrs. old a social worker said to him, “you are worthwhile,” that was his first step in self worth. He stood on her shoulders. When he was 16 yrs. old, an office manager at his first job, (yes, 16. He did eventually attend college and received a fellowship to Stanford University,) said that she believed he was “full of promise.” That gave him the impetus to have ambition. He stood on her shoulders too.
He says; “seek out those who offer you their shoulders to stand on. Be open to people who offer to stand shoulder to shoulder with you if you are facing any kind of adversity. Welcome people who inspire you to keep going when you come across stones and boulders along your journey. The only requirement you need is to be the seeker – the willing vessel to allow others to be your source of strength.”
I’m in my 60’s and from my own life experiences I know that no matter what your background, race, religion, size, age, education or current situation, the only thing that can stop you from achieving what you want in life is yourself. You have as much inner courage and strength as you choose to use. You can do what Bob Danzig has done, if you so choose.
‘Til next time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. Check out the new Free stuff, programs and products for personal and professional growth at www.TheAstonishingPowerofyou.com.
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