I hope you’ve had a great April. Here we are and tomorrow is May 1st. How time flies!
I was recently asked to write an article for someone in business and after giving it some thought decided to write about how we use what we have and yet we’re often struggling to increase those parts of us that are not so strong. I thought I’d put a few lines down in the blog this week to give everyone the opportunity to focus on the strengths I’m sure you all have.
We all have strengths and weaknesses, whether in business or in life and people will more often than not attempt to bring their weakest areas up to the same level as the strengths they have. I really don’t encourage this; it’s not the best way to go!
When we focus on the areas that we consider to be our weakest, we often end up diluting our ability to play to the strengths, making it more challenging to achieve our goals and desires in life. Concentrate on playing to your strengths.
As a business and life coach it’s often my job to brainstorm with clients to find out why they are not where they want to be, whether it’s professionally or personally. I often have people do a simple exercise so they can really see what they need to concentrate on.
Take a sheet of paper and divide into two columns. Head one column: My Strengths and the other column My Weakest Areas.
Don’t ask anyone else their opinion about your strengths, it’s important to be honest with yourself, after all you know yourself better than anyone else.
When you’ve completed both lists write down how many times each day you only play to your strengths. And, how many times you hold yourself back or it takes more time to do something because you want to do it all!
One of my strengths is patience and seeing that there is a solution in any situation. One of my weaknesses is I don’t have great computer skills. I hand off everything I am not comfortable doing on the computer and focus on teaching people how to achieve what they want in life.
Once you can see these two areas fully, you have a choice. You can of course always move forward doing what you’ve always done, your path being a little rocky and perhaps even unfulfilling or you can start to really focus on all your strengths and delegate your weakest areas to others who have those characteristics as their strength. This way everyone wins.
Absolutely everything is a mindset. Every result you create in life comes from the way you think. You have a thought it creates a feeling, which creates an action that equals the result.
When we change our thinking we change our lives. Always remember change is inevitable, transformation is a choice.
Have a fantastic week. ‘Til next time
To Your Success and Brilliance

PS. If you haven’t already, sign up for my Free 6 lesson E-course, The Astonishing Power of You and also receive the weekly Monday Motivator Quotes. www.theastonishingpowerofyou.com
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